The Art Blog
What Has Influenced Me As An Artist?
It's a question that anyone who makes art gets asked, what were your influences? Sometimes they're very obvious, but there can be some surprises in...
46 Things I’ve Learned In 46 Years
Hey all! Today is my birthday! It's been a long old time since writing a blog post so I thought I'd do something that isn't necessarily art related...
I Want To Be An Artist, Not A Content Creator
Do Artists Need Social Media? I don't know about you but I have noticed a sharp deterioration of my attention...
Strangehollow And The Wonders Of Worldbuilding
It's been a very long time (almost a year!) since my last blog post so thought I should pull my finger out and get typing! Worldbuilding is...
How To Run A Kickstarter
This is going to be a big one. So big, in fact, that I was tempted to separate this into two parts. So, be warned, this is a long one...
How I Keep Myself Organised
Being self employed has plenty of upsides but it is also necessary to get very organised, very quickly! You soon discover that you need to be...
How I Achieved Consistency With My Art
I would like to preface this with the fact that I am just one person who happens to be an artist and make a living from it. This is just my...
The Divine Dissatisfaction Of Making Art
"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all...
How I Built My Membership
I had been considering moving away from Patreon since the end of 2019. I started looking into how I would do it, casually looking into Patreon...
Should You Start A Membership?
Most people are well aware of Patreon now (and less so Ko-Fi or Buymeacoffee) which gives artists and other creatives, a chance to make an...
Pinned Posts
How To Run A Kickstarter
This is going to be a big one. So big, in fact, that I was tempted to separate this into two parts. So, be warned, this is a long one (around 4000 words!) but hopefully there will be parts of it you might find useful! Disclaimer: I am no expert in...
How I Achieved Consistency With My Art
I would like to preface this with the fact that I am just one person who happens to be an artist and make a living from it. This is just my experience and what I have done might not work for you, but I hope at the very least it will inspire or give hope to some!...
My Favourite Watercolour Tools & Brands
I'm always on the search for the ultimate pigment or brush, it is a bit of an obsession and I'm pretty sure any artist will have a stash of various mediums that they have tucked away to try out. Here I am going to go through everything I use for painting and I'm...
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Sick of the social media overwhelm? Want to know what I'm up to in my studio? I post about my latest projects, paintings and blog posts approximately twice a month.